
    How big is the AI threat to the cybersecurity of tech companies?

    A recent survey of 400 Chief Information Security Officers from businesses in the UK and US found that 72% believe that AI solutions would lead to security breaches. Conversely, 80% said they intended to implement AI-tools to defend against AI. This is another reminder of both the promise and the threat of AI. On one hand, AI can be used to create unprecedented security arrangements and enable cybersecurity experts to go on the offensive against hackers. On the other hand, AI will lead to industrial scale automated attacks and incredible levels of sophistication. For tech companies caught in the middle of this war, the big questions are how worried should they be and what can they do to protect themselves?

    First, let’s step back and look at the current state of play. According to data compiled by security firm Cobalt, cybercrime is predicted to cost the global economy $9.5 trillion in 2024. 75% of security professionals have observed an increase in cyberattacks over the past year and costs of these hacks are likely to rise by at least 15% each year. For businesses, the figures are also pretty grim – IBM reported that the average data breach in 2023 costs $4.45 million – a 15% rise since 2020.

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