
    The shift to cloud repatriation: Why organizations are making the change – Part 1

    Over the past decade, there has arguably not been any IT trend more transformative than the widespread availability of public cloud. With hyperscalers offering the promise of infinite scalability and flexibility for their workloads while alleviating the need for organizations to spend on internal infrastructure, tools and personnel, organizations have rushed headlong into a new era.

    But more recently, as companies’ cloud strategies have continued to mature, there has been a growing realization not only that the expected financial payoff from public cloud investments may prove elusive, but also an understanding that organizations may risk sacrificing flexibility, security, and control when they go “all in” on public cloud. As a result, we have seen a growing number of companies starting to re-think their cloud strategies and making more judicious decisions about where their most critical workloads should reside. This reconsideration has led to a gradual migration of workloads back out of the public cloud and into private cloud environments – “repatriation” – and reflects a growing understanding of an undeniable truth: the public cloud is simply not the optimal choice for every type of workload.

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