
    Sorry, Sonos fans – the old app isn’t coming back because it’s too buggy, ironically

    If the Sonos 2024 app update were a new car launch, by now it would have run over a whole bunch of puppies, taken out a bus shelter full of seniors and slammed into the local orphanage, bursting into flames and taking the building with it. Just last week Sonos admitted that it was considering bringing back its older app, S2, as a stopgap measure while it continued to fix the newer app, which it launched in May 2024. But in a Reddit AMA, CEO Patrick Spence says that option is now off the table.

    Spence was posting on r/sonos , where he said that “Everything has been on the table in terms of finding the fastest path to fixing your systems. In fact, until very recently I’d been hopeful that we could re-release the old app (S2) as an alternative for those of you that are having issues that we’ve not yet resolved.”

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