
    Tales of the Shire should be my ideal cozy game, but it lacks the fun and depth to make me love Hobbit life

    I’ve loved many a Lord of the Rings game, but among them, the cozy life simulation game Tales of the Shire from developer Wētā Workshop stands out as an exciting attempt at something different. In recent years, the franchise has struggled to find its footing in gaming with panned releases like 2023’s Gollum and the Lord of the Rings: Return to Moria leaving fans desperate for a new twist on Middle Earth. Now, tackling the life sim genre, Tales of the Shire aims to do just that.

    Reading and watching the Lord of the Rings, my greatest wish was always to spend more time in The Shire; to revel in the intricate mundanity of the home of Middle Earth’s most unlikely heroes; to delight in the fickle simplicity of country living; to enjoy a guilt-free second breakfast. It’s an escapism unmet in my life even in the verdant countryside of the UK, where you’ll sooner hear the roar of modern agriculture and 4×4 cars than you will the soft plucking of potatoes and mushrooms.

    After playing a two-hour demo of the title recently, I’d say Tales of the Shire comes tantalizingly close to achieving the greatness we’ve been hoping for in the franchise, but it’s a success marred by some much-needed quality-of-life updates and a lack of depth. Still, I’m holding out hope.

    In-game screenshot of catching a fish in Tales of the Shire

    (Image credit: Private Division)

    It’s no bad thing to celebrate a simple life

    Source link (Josephine Watson)

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