
    This is why you should use a Telegram VPN if you care about your privacy

    When French authorities arrested Pavel Durov, Founder and CEO of Telegram, at the end of August, we could just speculate on how the messaging platform would have to change. Fast forward a month and we now have a better idea of what’s in store for Telegram users’ privacy.

    In a major policy shift last week, Durov announced the platform will now provide people’s data to authorities, including their IP address and phone numbers. Yet, the head of Telegram doesn’t believe such a change to be so significant because, he now claims, the messaging platform has been able to disclose these details since 2018 in most countries.

    Either way, we expect Telegram to temper its notorious non-compliant attitude and become more accommodating of law enforcement requests. By using the best VPN apps and being mindful of what information you share on the platform, however, you should still be able to enjoy a more private experience despite these changes.

    Screenshot of Pavel Durov's message to the members of his Telegram channel commenting about the change of policy, on October 2, 2024.

    (Image credit: Telegram)

    As per Telegram’s updated privacy policy: ” If Telegram receives a valid order from the relevant judicial authorities that confirms you’re a suspect in a case involving criminal activities that violate the Telegram Terms of Service, we will perform a legal analysis of the request and may disclose your IP address and phone number to the relevant authorities.”

    Source link (Chiara Castro)

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