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    How do I cancel a booking?

    You need to be signed in to your account and go to My Trips. Once you’re there, you can manage your booking and choose to cancel your booking.

    When can I expect my refund?

    After you have canceled your booking, will process your refund within 24 hours and the money will be refunded into the same bank account that was used to purchase the booking. Depending on your bank, it can take up to 7 days for the refund to reach your account.

    I made a mistake in my booking, how do I update my details?

    This can be done from your account. Go to your upcoming bookings and choose the itinerary you wish to amend and from there, the process should be pretty much straightforward. Please note the hotel might charge if you wish to change the room type, number of guests, and travel dates. However, you can change your name, bed type, smoking preference, special requests, and accessibility options free of charge.

    Can I request a late checkout?

    This again depends on your hotel. Some hotels might be more lenient than others but some might charge you an extra fee. It is worth messaging the hotel directly to confirm this before you make a booking.

    Can I make changes to existing car hire bookings? doesn’t allow changes to be made to existing car hire bookings, so you would have to cancel your booking entirely and make a new one with the updated changes.

    Can I cancel a car hire rental booking free of charge?

    Most prepaid car hire bookings will be non-refundable. Make sure to review all the rules and restrictions including the refund policy before making a booking.

    I am under the age of 21, can I still make a car booking?

    Most car companies will not rent to customers below the age of 21. Additional charges may apply for drivers younger than 21 or older than 70 depending on the car company.

    Hints & Tips

    Join the loyalty program: OneKeyCash is a free travel rewards program where members can save 10% or more on over thousands of hotels. With each dollar spent you earn a $1 discount which can then be applied to your next booking.

    Check if the booking is refundable or not: Different hotels will have different policies so before making a booking, it is highly recommended to check if the booking is refundable so that you don’t lose any money.

    Source link (Udita Choudhary)

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