
    Siemens EQ900 Plus review: the best macchiato I’ve had from a bean-to-cup machine

    Siemens EQ900 Plus: two-minute review

    The Siemens EQ900 Plus is one of the best bean-to-cup coffee machines for those who enjoy a latte, cappuccino or macchiato thanks to its excellent milk-texturizing system. It brews a very good espresso, too; but for me, the milk frothing is definitely the standout feature, and easily compares with the results an experienced user can get with a manual steam wand – with none of the effort.

    Another key selling point of the EQ900 Plus that differentiates it from most of the best coffee makers is the fact that it has two hoppers, which make it easy to switch between different beans or roasts on the fly, or change to decaf in the evening. Some other bean-to-cup coffee makers I’ve tested (models from KitchenAid, for example) have a chute that you use to insert a scoop of ground coffee when you want something different to what’s in the hopper, but this system is more convenient. The only downside is that the hoppers aren’t removeable, plus the extensive set of cleaning and maintenance programs don’t include a function for emptying beans and grounds from the machine, which makes it tricky to purge the system.

    Latte macchiato prepared using Siemens EQ900 Plus coffee maker

    The Siemens EQ900 Plus is one of the best bean-to-cup coffee machines around when it comes to milk texturizing (Image credit: Future)

    The machine offers a system called “beanIdent” that lets you describe the beans you’ve loaded into each hopper (including type, roast, and blend) and then adjusts factors including water contact time and grind size to suit. It also encourages you to tinker to achieve the flavor you prefer. There are two customization modes (Comfort and Barista), with support for 10 user profiles.

    You can even set your preferred drinks as “favorites”, much like the favorites list in your web browser, which is welcome and something I’d like to see in more coffee machines. I appreciate not having to browse through a menu to find my carefully created custom cappuccino setting.

    Coffee menu on Siemens EQ900 Plus coffee maker screen

    The EQ900 Plus encourages tinkering, and Barista mode offers full control over the brewing process (Image credit: Future)

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