
    I use ChatGPT to help with parenting – here’s 5 prompts you can use AI to keep the kids entertained

    Though I experiment with AI chatbots professionally, I’ve found many ways to incorporate them into my regular life, including as a parent to a lively baby and uncle to several nieces and nephews.

    ChatGPT has been a surprisingly big help. It’s not a babysitter, but it can be a real boon for trying new ways to entertain kids or just keep juggling all of the many simultaneous parenting roles without dripping any balls. It may even be able to provide the rarest of all commodities as a parent – free time.

    Bedtime stories

    ChatGPT Parenting

    (Image credit: Images created by DALL-E 3)

    Every parent or caregiver has been here: it’s bedtime, and you’re exhausted. You’ve somehow read every book you’ve ever bought for your kid all in one day, and you want to give them something new, but even your imagination feels depleted. If only you had a ready story, maybe something about a robot who loves pancakes?

    Source link (Eric Hal Schwartz)

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