
    Acer Chromebook Plus 516 GE (2024) review: a great, if not mind-blowing, refresh

    Acer Chromebook Plus 516 GE: Five-minute review

    In early 2023 I reviewed Google‘s first dedicated gaming Chromebook, the Acer Chromebook 516 GE, and it changed my mind about Chromebooks and gaming. So I was excited to get my hands on the long-awaited refresh, the Acer Chromebook Plus 516 GE (2024).

    The Chromebook has been upgraded in every meaningful way, from the display to the specs, and even has new AI features included for those looking to double it as a productivity machine. Unfortunately, there are a few aspects that have been left in the dust in the meantime, which could impact whether this is a truly robust refresh worth reinvesting in if you already have the original model.

    Source link (Allisa James)

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