
    Bluetti Handsfree 2 portable power station review

    Having reviewed several portable power stations from varying brands across the years, the noted mainstays of the industry was mainly copy and paste with few tweaks and features. Nearly all of them were of a large boxlike design often with a status screen, varying power in and outputs and maybe an app. Portable was only the word used in that you could pick it up and cart it off elsewhere, but some of them were bulky and pushing north of 20kgs in weight.

    The Bluetti Handsfree 2 brings a whole new designed approach with portable the forefront of the product aimed at a niche of customers who may find this the very thing they are after. With a power bank shaped differently (narrower, flatter body shape) compared to the standard box. How does it compare to the best portable power stations? I put it to the test.

    Bluetti Handsfree 2: Packaging

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