
    Brain-as-a-service set to start before 2026, powered by human brain cells fused with silicon hardware

    • Cortical Labs has built the first deployable biological computer, priced at $35,000
    • The CL1 integrates living neurons with silicon for real-time computation
    • The next step will be to build a biological neural network server stack

    Despite the unquestionably impressive advancements we’ve witnessed in recent years, AI is still lagging far behind human intelligence. While it can process vast amounts of data, recognize patterns, and generate responses at speed, it lacks true understanding and reasoning, and although it’s getting better, the issue of hallucinations – when the AI makes stuff up – remains a problem.

    Two years ago, researchers from Johns Hopkins University in Australia, together with scientists at Cortical Labs in Melbourne, suggested that the answer to real, less artificial AI was organoids – computers built with human brain cells. Fast forward to today, and Cortical Labs has turned the theory into reality with the production of the world’s first commercialized biological computer.

    Source link (Wayne Williams)

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