
    Fallout 76’s lead producer on the game’s Skyline Valley update and the long journey since a rocky launch

    Fallout 76 has come a long way since its launch back in 2018. The first multiplayer installment in the traditionally story-focused Fallout series, many long-time fans were initially disappointed by its countless bugs and largely empty open world. Almost six years later, Fallout 76 has been completely overhauled. A string of major updates have added non-playable characters (NPCs), reworked story content, addressed all manner of technical issues, and ultimately transformed it into an enjoyable online experience.

    With the game currently experiencing record-high all-time player counts on Steam, it seems as though the arrival of new content isn’t going to stop any time soon. The game’s latest free update, Skyline Valley, introduces an all-new region to the Virginia setting inspired by the real-world Shenandoah National Park. On top of a fresh area to explore, the update brings additional story content centered around the recently unearthed Vault 63 and its sinister overseer.

    Source link (Dashiell Wood)

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