
    FlexiSpot Discount Codes for June 2024


    Does FlexiSpot offer free shipping?

    Yes, as standard, FlexiSpot offers free shipping on all their products. Orders should arrive within 7 working days, and you can track your order through the dedicated portal on the FlexiSpot site. Just provide the email address you provided when you placed your order and the order number for updates.

    What is the FlexiSpot Rewards scheme?

    FlexiSpot rewards lets customers earn points for every purchase they make, friend they refer, or FlexiSpot social media account they follow. Points can be redeemed on purchases, including exclusive members-only discounts, as well as a spin to win game, which offers you the chance to win discounts or additional points. How many points you earn depends on what you’re purchasing – you can check your account through the dedicated rewards portal on their website.

    What is the FlexiSpot returns policy?

    FlexiSpot offers free 60-day returns on most items, meaning that you can send any items you are unhappy with back to them for a refund. You’ll need to email to make a return request – make sure to provide your order number for reference. Items will need to be sent back in their original packaging to qualify for a refund.

    Can I contact FlexiSpot?

    Yes, you can call the FlexiSpot customer service team on +44 20 3929 3835. The line is open between 9am – 5pm. Alternatively, you can email, or start a live chat by clicking on the chat icon in the right hand corner of their website.

    Hints and Tips

    Watch for sales: FlexiSpot regularly runs sales, particularly around seasonal events such as summer, Christmas and Black Friday. We’ve seen as much as £200 off selected products during sales, so keep an eye out for limited-time promotions that offer a chance to save big.

    Subscribe to the newsletter: If you want the latest updates on FlexiSpot promotions and products, you can subscribe to the newsletter by providing your chosen email address. You’ll receive regular updates directly to your inbox including the chance to enter monthly competitions, plus new sign-ups will also be sent a one-off code for 5% off their first order.

    Source link (James Pickard)

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