
    Happy 2nd birthday, ChatGPT! Here are 5 ways you’ve already changed the world

    ChatGPT was born two years ago amid a flurry of hyperbolic hype, skepticism, and outright fear. The AI chatbot didn’t immediately guide us to digital heaven, take over every job, or become sentient and send robots with Austrian accents after us, but ChatGPT has a made major impact on many people’s lives nonetheless.

    For ChatGPT’s second birthday, I’ve collected some of the most notable (if not always most noble) ways OpenAI‘s experiment with a digital sidekick has changed day-to-day living for many people. I should say that while I did ask ChatGPT for examples of how it’s changed the world, the AI either was self-deprecating about how it hasn’t done so or insisted that everyone’s lives are radically altered by its presence in ways that resemble the Matrix films more than reality. Still, even if you aren’t one who employs the AI chatbot for all of the following examples, I’d bet you know someone who has at least experimented with doing so. Here are five ways ChatGPT has become a part of people’s lives, large and small:

    Homework Houdini

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