
    If your plants have stories to tell, this app offers the perfect platform to tell them

    Every plant tells a story. That’s what Palmstreet wants us to believe and I tend to agree. In every room of my house, there are collections of plants, each reminding me of a unique story. 

    There’s the one that cost me more than I had ever spent on a plant. I stood there for longer than I care to remember, deliberating whether it was worth the money. Spoiler: it was worth the money. Then there’s the steal of a plant I got from the local garden center. And lest I forget, there are, of course, the more regular varieties I bought from the plant shop around the corner. My plants are not just nice to look at; they are part of my story and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

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    This is part of a regular series of articles exploring the apps that we couldn’t live without. Read them all here.

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