
    Not masking your email could put you at risk – here’s how to fix it

    Gone are the days when you should be entering your real email address into a website. It’s far too easy for websites to sell the information you provide to data brokers who use your email for marketing, targeted ads, and even reselling. 

    Why you should mask your email

    Beyond the threat of nefarious data brokers, if you’ve ever had the misfortune of your email address being leaked in a data breach, it’s likely kept on the dark web for scammers and cybercriminals alike to target. There are countless databases where hackers store your information to use for scams and future hacking attempts.

    Has your email been leaked already?

    If you’re not sure, head to Haveibeenpwned to see if your email has ever been leaked.

    Source link (Andreas Theodorou)

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