
    People are increasingly swapping Google for the likes of ChatGPT, according to a major survey – here’s why

    • 27% of respondents in the US use AI tools instead of search engines
    • Uptake is lower in the UK, where 13% of consumers favor AI tools
    • Reasons given include efficiency, ease of use, accuracy and personalisation

    For decades, “Google it” has been the answer if you want answers on the web. But that could be changing: according to new survey data, more and more people are swapping search engines for AI-powered chatbots such as ChatGPT.

    More than a quarter of people recently surveyed in the US reported using AI tools instead of a traditional search engines. That number was lower in the UK, but still representative of a significant shift in consumer behaviour, with 13% of respondents saying that they now turn to AI ahead of traditional search tools such as Bing and Google.

    Source link (Chris Rowlands)

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