
    Please disable this mobile broadband feature ASAP or risk losing hundreds of pounds like I almost did for Christmas

    I don’t often look at my bank statement but every now and then, I cast a cursory glance without much thought. Earlier this week though, I noticed something not right. My monthly mobile payment had jumped by about a third for a couple of months and there was no plausible explanation for that. Neither did I jet anywhere fancy where I could get roaming charges nor did I use extra data given that all the lines I use with my mobile provider (Three UK) have unlimited data allowance.

    Three, like all mainstream UK mobile phone providers, gives you access to a detailed billing online and mine revealed that I have been charged every week since October 16th, a small amount; £4.50 (or £18 every four weeks). By the time I found out, I had been charged £40.50.

    A screenshot of Three UK bills

    A screenshot of Three UK bills (Image credit: Future/D. Athow)

    The third party on behalf of which Three was charging me is a French company called Digital Global Pass (DGP) which operates a network of services across five verticals (sports, dating, music, gaming and video on demand). The service I had apparently used was Fuzeforge games, one of its properties. It positions itself as a provider of unlimited access to mobile and PC games via its Fuze Forge Pass service, available, you guessed it, via a subscription that automatically renews every week.

    Mind the bill

    Source link (Desire Athow)

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