
    Shazam now makes it super-easy to add identified songs to a Spotify or Apple Music playlist – here’s how it works

    Everyone’s favorite music-recognition app, Shazam, just got a new update that comes with a small, but particularly helpful new feature that has improved its integration with Spotify and Apple Music. The latest version of the app (version 18.9), which arrived on March 5, comes with an improved syncing feature that automatically adds your identified songs within the Shazam app to a playlist in your Spotify or Apple Music account. So far, it seems as though it’s available to Spotify and Apple Music users only.

    When you use Shazam’s Music Recognition on iPhone and iPad, it will automatically add those songs to a special playlist in your account titled ‘My Shazam Tracks’. Before Apple rolled out the 18.9 version of the app, songs identified manually through the Shazam app itself would be synced to a separate playlist in your Spotify or Apple Music account, but not songs discovered through the Control Center. The new update changes that, and will now add songs to the playlist when identified through Siri and Shortcuts, as well as the Control Center.

    Screen shot of the Shazam song search identifying a Joni Mitchell song

    The new update will automatically add your Shazam-searched songs to your own ‘My Shazam Tracks’ playlist in Spotify and Apple Music. (Image credit: Future)

    Since joining the Apple family back in 2018, Shazam has evolved into more than a simple music recognition app and has improved the experience of the best music streaming services through its integrations – and its new ability to predict music you’ll listen to in the future. According to the iOS App Store description, here’s exactly how you can expect the latest update to further improve your experience:

    Source link (Rowan Davies)

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