
    SMBs are increasingly being targeted by cybercriminals. Here’s why…

    Cybercrime is a major problem, of that there is no doubt. However, SMBs are particularly vulnerable to attacks from cybercriminals and one of the main reasons is that they offer relatively easy pickings. SMBs can often be the weakest link when it comes to defending themselves against the likes of phishing, malware, ransomware, Denial-of-Service and spoofing attacks.

    While mainstream news outlets are always quick to jump on big companies when they suffer breaches of security, there are countless SMBs that suffer similar fates on a daily basis and such events often get passed by. Big companies might have to deal with the high-profile fallout from cybersecurity incidents, but SMBs are faced with the same consequences of an attack instigated by cyber criminals.

    Smaller is better

    Cybercriminals like to target SMBs for a number of reasons. Often it is the small and medium-sized companies that don’t pay quite as much attention to dealing with cybersecurity as perhaps they should. Lots of SMBs don’t invest the same sums of money into their cybersecurity systems as the major players and IT departments are often less capable too.

    There has also been a tendency by some SMB owners to have a rather lackadaisical attitude towards cybercrime too. Often, there’s not enough budget allocated to the prevention of cybercrime. Dealing with the issue can also be pushed to the back of the priorities queue, even though it should actually be placed firmly at the front of the high priority to-do list.

    Areas of weakness

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