
    The critical importance of robust password practices

    In an era where digital security is more critical than ever, passwords continue to be the gatekeepers to an organization’s entire ecosystem. Despite the increased use of multifactor authentication (MFA) and biometric scans, passwords remain indispensable. Their significance is underscored by their simplicity and the immediate layer of security they offer to online accounts, which in turn protects organizational data and systems. Yet, their effectiveness depends directly on the user – specifically, how willing they are to create unique passwords despite the inconvenience and how diligently they manage them.

    Jack Chapman

    VP of Threat Intelligence, Egress.

    Old is gold

    The persistence of passwords as a primary security measure is a testament to their convenience. Whilst biometrics, physical keys like YubiKey, and advanced authentication methods offer promising enhancements, it is still passwords that form the bedrock of security defenses across the globe; a fact highlighted by recurring themes in Cybersecurity Awareness Months and echoed by cybersecurity experts.

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