
    The science of noise colors: why white noise makes you sleepy and blue noise helps you focus

    I’ve always loved the sound of green noise while I work. It feels like my desk is surrounded by trees or positioned next to a waterfall. Something about it quietens my mental chatter and helps me focus, which is why I often play it in the background when I’m writing. But a few weeks ago, something unexpected happened.

    I was deep in thought, not noticing the transitions between the green noise tracks Spotify was playing, when I suddenly felt sleepy. That’s when I realized the noise had shifted – from green to white. My productive focus had faded into a gentle drowsiness.

    This experience made me wonder: why do these sounds have such a strong effect on my mood, focus, and energy levels? How do they work, and do they affect everyone the same way? To find out, I spoke to a prominent audiologist – and asked some of my social media followers to share their experiences, too.

    A glass prism casting a rainbow

    (Image credit: Pexels – Dobromir Hristov)

    Why is it called white noise?

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