
    This app won’t let you forget to buy those presents and might make you a holiday hero

    What type of Christmas shopper are you? Is it seriously last minute or all wrapped up in August? Are you the main shopper or is that someone else’s domain? Don’t tell my kids, but to my shame, there are some Christmas days when I’ve had no idea what ‘Santa’ brought until all the gifts were unwrapped. Suffice it to say, my wife covers this responsibility for both of us!

    Homescreen heroes

    This is part of a regular series of articles exploring the apps that we couldn’t live without. Read them all here.

    Despite my wife’s amazing hard work, there are still a few people I have to buy for and each year it doesn’t seem to get any easier. Not only do I find it difficult to track who I’ve already bought for but when I think about what to get them, for some reason my brain goes mysteriously blank.

    Source link (Paul Hatton)

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