
    This math app could make you your child’s teaching hero

    I wonder what math classes were like for you when you were young. With no desire to boast, I was always slightly above the average but struggled to push through to the more advanced levels. When my teacher began talking about quadratic equations or probabilities, I instantly felt like falling into some sort of math-induced coma.

    I also remember, on numerous occasions, my teacher telling me that I would need to know what she was teaching when I was older. I went on to study computer science at university, so in part she was right but there’s so much I haven’t needed in my adult life and have since forgotten. This hit home when my son came home the other day and told me that he’d been learning long division but it hadn’t made sense to him. I frantically searched my brain for some mnemonic my teacher spoke about but without success. So I did what every respectable parent does: I Googled it. Don’t judge me!

    Source link (Paul Hatton)

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