
    Why is the future of enterprise transformation complex and co-owned?

    There is no one-size-fits-all solution to enterprise-grade digital transformation. The digital divide is not just an IT problem but spans multiple disciplines like compliance, finance, and operations. Addressing such complex challenges requires breaking down the problem into smaller, more manageable components.

    According to Gartner’s 2024 CIO agenda, 45% of CIOs are shifting to co-ownership of digital leadership, while 55% retain digital delivery responsibility and partner with CxOs as sponsors of business area digital initiatives. Often, when preparing for digital initiatives, it can be easy for organization leaders to feel pressured to give an estimate that fits within the organization’s budget. However, the price of wastage through digital transformation programs not meeting their objectives could be around $2 trillion by 2026, which is incredibly high and should make organization leaders reconsider their initiative trajectory.

    Frank Baalbergen

    Chief Information Security Officer, Mendix.

    Addressing the disconnect across business disciplines

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